Sometimes Write...

Ch Ch Ch Changes: Dealing With Inevitable Transition

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been rather distanced from my blog. I posted last week about how Summertime can make a mess of schedules and September arriving is an excuse to get refocused on the goals and habit-building...

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been rather distanced from my blog. I posted last week about how Summertime can make a mess of schedules and September arriving is an excuse to get refocused on the goals and habit-building we require – it’s a chance to pick up where we left off, so to speak. For me, this Summer was an exceptionally busy one in that I had some decisions to make, planning to do and changes to adapt to when it came to a bunch of my circumstances. At the same time, I wanted to focus on enjoying myself and having some chill-time. I said lots of goodbyes but even more hellos and I realised that if something is weighing on your shoulders, it’s probably a sign that it needs to be set free.


At the start of August, I handed in my notice to a job I had done for nearly three years. It had taken me across the world, on many adventures and taught me most of what I know about the start-up world. It challenged me, made me crazy and forced me to think far outside my comfort zone on many occasions. Lessons were learned and boxes had been ticked and so, it was time to move on.

Endings are odd experiences. If parting ways is your choice, even though you know it’s the best decision, it can still leave that bittersweet “what if?” feeling. On the other hand, if it wasn’t your decision then it can be like a bizarre grieving process whereby you have to really quickly rethink where you’re going, what you’re doing and what this all means. It can be intense.

Thankfully, I made my decision with a clear mind and a plan for the future. The sadness was there but the feeling of “This is the right decision” stayed with me throughout the transition and to the current day.

In the coming months, I’ll start a new course while settling into (an already started) new position. My blog will get WAY more attention and time to do more of what I want is there for the taking. It’s a period of new beginnings that was only created because of an ending. As I’ve said on numerous occasions, “You can do anything but not everything” and I stand by this in whatever I do.



Let’s face it, change is inevitable. SO, how can change be handled more effectively? Well for me, the ways are plentiful.

*I ensure I am organised as much as possible when it comes to the things I can control. That refers to my diet, exercise and basically, showing up to where I need to be when I need to be there. You can’t always see what’s coming down the line but you can be on the ball when it comes to today.

*On the other hand, I try to pre-empt what could happen. No, I’m not a cynic however I do know that life has a habit of happening when you’re busy making other plans. I like to think “What if x happened? Do I have something to fall back on?” Expect the unexpected but be sure that you are flexible in what you do.

*Although it’s a huge challenge, accepting what is as opposed to what you’d like it to be will always help transition. Anytime I’ve gotten frustrated by circumstances in life, it has been because I imagined a different reality to the one that was in front of me. Acceptance makes it a much smoother ride.

*Gratitude is key no matter what. When I’ve experienced the best and worst times of my life, I always remember the fact I have SO much to be grateful for – from my past, present and no doubt, the future. Count your lucky stars and focus on making the most of what you’ve got.

Experiencing any changes right now? Sure, you are. Whatever happens, make the best of what’s going on and be sure to enjoy the ride. 
