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The Truth About Spiritual Bypassing

I have become torn for months between the ideologies of science backed content and what I’ve come to adopt as spirituality for the past two years. Describing myself as spiritual and reluctantly explaining it to people in my social circles,...

I have become torn for months between the ideologies of science backed content and what I’ve come to adopt as spirituality for the past two years. Describing myself as spiritual and reluctantly explaining it to people in my social circles, I have listened to myself utter phrases such as ‘stop being neg’ and ‘good vibes only’.

Naturally, this has had some impact which has lead me to research and identify the context of spiritual bypassing as I’ve come to know it.

The term coined by John Welwood in the 1980’s defined it as avoiding or suppressing unpleasant emotions and experiences.

Some characteristics include:

  • Mistaking indifference for equanimity. Detaching as a method of ‘staying positive’ when infact it lacks compassion.
  • Creating or maintaining a superiority complex based on a spiritual practice. This may involve weaponising meditation as a means of judging others who do not engage in it.
  • Unrealistic expectations. Believing that a meditation practice must always be a positive experience and not confront any discomfort.

In relationships, this can look like dismissing someone’s emotions and uttering phrases that gaslight their situations and feelings.

So, how do you recognise and build awareness of spiritual bypassing?

  • Stay as genuine as possible in your endeavours. No, it is not needed to be in a negative conversation or spiral however, allowing others and yourself to feel their feelings and be genuine is important.
  • Say only what you mean. When it comes to what you say, keep it valuable and truthful rather than what you think you should say.
  • Be mindful and stay in the moment. This means that there is no jumping into future or past scenarios.

Have you experienced this? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
