Sometimes Write...

How Technology And Kindness Saved Me From London

London by Doug88888 With a 4am start, an over-prepared folder of notes and energy matcha tea to keep me from falling asleep on a stranger’s shoulder, my business trip from Dublin to London seemed like it would be a walk...

London by Doug88888

With a 4am start, an over-prepared folder of notes and energy matcha tea to keep me from falling asleep on a stranger’s shoulder, my business trip from Dublin to London seemed like it would be a walk in the park.

“Hey love, I got this” was the phrase I used to reassure my boyfriend that stress could never get the better of me as I climbed onto the 16th plane this year.

3 hours after leaving my house, I arrived in Stansted ready to get the bus to the city.

Sadly, as I looked in my wallet, I realized I was missing a vital ingredient for general… living – my only ATM card. As the stress attempted to seep in, I quickly rooted through and found some euros that I could change.

Damn you currency exchange rate with the super strong pound. I was two pounds short leaving me once again, at square one.

The kindness part 

Thanks to the kindness of a stranger, two quid wasn’t an issue.

Ticket in hand (paid for in part by the exchange lady) Off I went on my merry old way.

The technology part 

All hail the Hailo taxi app. With a card account and free bus wifi, hurrah! I paid the lovely taxi-man Ian to bring me to my meeting.

THANK GOD for technology, I say. And thank god for Ian.

So how did the rest of the day go?

With a lovely aunty, a reunion and a wad of cash waiting at the nearest tube station I spent my afternoon doing my work, eating jelly beans and far from silly problems.

That’s one more life experience under my belt. Whatever next?
