Sometimes Write...

While You Were Commenting On That Facebook Thread, I Was Getting On With My Life

Tiger Argument A peaceful scroll through my Facebook newsfeed tends to happen at least 2-3 times per day unless I’m feeling particularly distracted in which case it’s more frequent. As far as social media goes, I don’t see spending time...

Tiger Argument 

A peaceful scroll through my Facebook newsfeed tends to happen at least 2-3 times per day unless I’m feeling particularly distracted in which case it’s more frequent.

As far as social media goes, I don’t see spending time on it as dossing so much as research for my for work. Spending twenty minutes looking for an image about #love and adding multiple hashtags is HARD work before anyone suggests any different. This is at least, what I tell myself.

Of course, with the attention span of a monkey, I tend to read a bit as I scroll, convincing myself it’s for the good of my work. Really though, I’m curious about the world at large and the cute pictures of cats scrolling past me.

Once per day, I’ll stumble across and read a news story about a topic of interest. This could be animal welfare, health or the launch of the latest piece of technology. Whatever the topic, it’s obvious that there’s going to be an obnoxious rant happening in the comments underneath.

Up until now, I’ve been sucked into reading them and usually become quite irritated as I say to myself “why don’t they get a life?”

… Um, why don’t I get a life?

Debates and angry comments about how wonderful the Samsung, Iphone or Nokia 3310 are, compared to each other are not needed. They don’t matter.
Am I judging you because you don’t have an iphone? No. Do I have a preference? Yes. But I’m not going to bore you with the reasons why you need one.

Since I’ve abandoned the comments’ fields as a place to air my frustrations and read over people’s weird hateful comments,  I’ve found time for many wonderful items on my to-do list like… writing this blog, baking cakes and drinking endless cups of peppermint tea (yum).

Time is of the essence and being sucked into strange debates is not essential to anything.
