Sometimes Write...

24 Hours High On Espresso

Christmas came and went and, as we look to a brand new year, the talk of new year’s resolutions is prevalent. Becoming less crap versions of ourselves is something for us all to consider, at least until we’re hungover in...

Christmas came and went and, as we look to a brand new year, the talk of new year’s resolutions is prevalent. Becoming less crap versions of ourselves is something for us all to consider, at least until we’re hungover in a couple of days time.

As I consider new year changes, I reflect on habits I’ve decided to change in previous months.

In November of this year, I made the decision to shut caffeine out of my life. My house is void of coffee or tea apart from the decaf stuff and as a result, my heart rate is a little slower and my mind is more relaxed than before.

As I visited a friend a couple of days ago, I was offered a baileys’ coffee. For those who don’t know it, it consists of coffee (obviously), sugar and as many glugs of baileys you can fit in there. I couldn’t resist its creamy amazing goodness and so, accepted the offer.

That was 9pm.

Fast forward 7 hours to a tossing and turning June with an already over-active mind. There I was, with no view to sleeping until (what turned out to be) 4am that morning.

The next day, I looked at the coffee canister in my mother’s kitchen with disdain. I decided that the only way to counteract my coffee hating resentment was by chugging three glasses of water and heading to the beach to clear the sleepy coffee scented cob-webs out.

Change by Angela Nigels

Taking a step back from something like coffee can really highlight its impact on your system. It became a real addiction for me as early as my first internship when I drank 5-6 cups a day to keep me awake at work.

I haven’t ruled coffee out entirely. I still enjoy a gingerbread, mocha, caramel (whatever the latest is) coffee at Starbucks from time to time. Only then, it’s with decaf coffee.

When it’s impossible to avoid coffee (like a conference or (what feels like) a never-ending day of work), I treat myself.

Mostly though, if I go to your house, please try and tempt me with some freshly squeezed seasonal fruit juice, or a glass of water will do just fine.
