Sometimes Write...

What I Did When I Finished My Bucket List.

It’s not just a movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Bucket lists are real and actually can be achieved by people the world over. Like any list, having one and ticking items off is one of the most satisfying...

It’s not just a movie with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. Bucket lists are real and actually can be achieved by people the world over.

Like any list, having one and ticking items off is one of the most satisfying feelings EVER.


I’m 28 years old and am proud to say I’ve reached the goals I’ve set over the course of my life so far. I’ve traveled, met cool people, worked the jobs, jumped from the planes, learned useful (and not so useful) skills and found myself once or twice before losing myself all over again. Half of this was achieved before I even had the chance to write any of it down.

At the age of 23, simply finishing college was what I had been working on for quite a while. Being able to achieve that alone took enough of my attention and anxiety to keep me occupied. Fast forward to graduation, an anti-climax and the realisation that actually, nothing had been figured out beyond my undergrad..

Bring on the quarter-life crisis.

Travel, living abroad and seeing famous sights were the predictable items scrawled across my bucket list in 2010.

See the world? Yes.

Speak some Spanish while doing it? Sure, why not?

The view outside Santiago, Chile in 2013.

As the cliche goes, you learn something new everyday.

And I’ve certainly learned a ton over my journey so far.

And today?

I feel more resilient, open minded and have a slightly better sense of humour.

View from Villarica (Pucon, Chile) in 2013.

And now? I’m working through bucket list number two.

The benefit of getting one thing done is you get to start something entirely different.

I can’t wait to see what list number three has in store.
