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Inspiration Over Lunch: How Carolyn From Coach4Life Changed Her Life

Carolyn Curtis is an entrepreneur, life coach and go-getter. I first crossed paths with her while I was at University in 2008. I was feeling a bit lost, low and needed some guidance and so, I attended Carolyn’s ‘Feel the...

Carolyn Curtis is an entrepreneur, life coach and go-getter. I first crossed paths with her while I was at University in 2008. I was feeling a bit lost, low and needed some guidance and so, I attended Carolyn’s ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ workshop in Limerick. I know for a fact that workshop title will sound familiar to you, this is because it’s based on the best selling book by Susan Jeffers, one of the leaders in self-help who sadly passed away two years ago. Carolyn is an accredited facilitator and delivers workshops in Ireland when she is back here. Currently, she resides in Lanzarote where she set up a new life over two years ago.


Having lived in Cork for over 30 years and having raised a beautiful family, Carolyn felt it was time to live her dreams of moving abroad to hotter climates. Sure, she knew she’d miss Cork, her relatives and friends however she was certain what lay ahead was going to make her happy. Today, she runs retreats in Playa Blanca, offers therapies such as reflexology and life-coaching and trains the next generation of life coaches.

Carolyn is certainly a strong role model to young women and men who want to live their dreams, whatever they may be. As she would put it herself, she has faced obstacles and learned a few lessons along her journey. Mostly though, she has reached her goals as she lives by the philosophy that you attract the life you want and, deserve. Her life is testament to the fact that that what she has reached for and worked hard for has indeed come true. In her own words, “Everything is possible.”

Last week, I sat down to a virtual lunch with Carolyn to ask her what advice she’d give to people that want to change their lives and live their dreams. Of course, she offered some real value and even had me generating some new plans and pushing myself that little bit harder…

*In reaching for your dreams, be prepared to fail as much as you succeed. Some things won’t work as well as you want and when they don’t, you need to think differently. Successful people learn from their mistakes and find other ways of doing what they need to do. There’s always a way, look for it.


*Nurture your self-belief. Know that YOU can do what you need to and get where you want to go without fail.

*Be prepared to burn the night oil while you get your dreams off the ground. It takes time and hard work to live the life you want but it will be worth it. And of course, give 110%… be a perfectionist!

*There is a freedom that you can only get from working for yourself and being your own boss. You make your own decisions about life, work and how (and if) your career grows. I’d highly recommend it.

*Stay connected to your intuition as it will always tell you the truth.

Carolyn is truly an inspiration and has been there, done that and got the tee-shirt.

I love inspiring people so be sure to share your thoughts, comments and even stories in the comments below.
