Sometimes Write...

While I Wasn’t Sleeping: 4 Lessons I’ve Learned Lately

It’s been a while; a while since I’ve blogged, shared some news and even had a second to consider 2016 and the next moves. Sleep has been missed, dozens of Pumpkin Spice Lattes have been consumed (yes, they’re back) and...

It’s been a while; a while since I’ve blogged, shared some news and even had a second to consider 2016 and the next moves. Sleep has been missed, dozens of Pumpkin Spice Lattes have been consumed (yes, they’re back) and ‘Going with the flow’ has been a regular phrase used by my loved ones lately. All the while, I’ve been ensuring I can keep the bright side out and ensure my mental health is nice and healthy.

So, it’s October 2015, I’m still in Dublin and still as busy as ever – working, gallivanting and embarking on new adventures and opportunities. Thankfully today, I can sit down and blog to my heart’s content – it’s a chance to get refocused and reflect (AGAIN) on months gone by).

Looking back on just 9 months of a year can be a particularly overwhelming feat when you consider how much can happen – good and bad. You win some, you lose some (including people) and actually, when Facebook gives you a little tug to remember and share a memory from the past, it can be a little scary to think that was so long ago.

In this past year, I’ve left a job, started a new one, written over 30 blog posts (yes really), had my bloggiversary (yes that’s a thing) and more recently, found out I was shortlisted for actual awards for my blog (crazy, I know).

Since my last blog post, I’ve had cool opportunities pop up which has meant that some rejigging has had to happen. In a nutshell, interviews and trips abroad have led me down new paths. My course has been postponed until the new year and my schedule has had to be readapted so I can make room for things I love like having 3 hour Starbucks dates with friends PLUS other things I don’t love YET like laying in bed doing nothing.

In any event, while I wasn’t sleeping over previous weeks, I’ve had the chance to learn more than I even realised at the time.

*I am only one person.

Obviously enough, I am a single person with a certain amount of hours in the day however, at times I have fooled myself into thinking otherwise. Putting limits and boundaries on what we can and can’t do is imperative and recognising when we need to say ‘no’ and focus on ourselves will lead to a healthier happier self.

*Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

In August, I had a perfect plan involving my blog, course and new ventures. In the meantime, I have decided to take advantage of other opportunities and head on a new path (not totally forgetting about the others). At one time, I thought that wasn’t OK. Now I know, it is and that’s life.

*I can only control myself and what I do and think.

I have spent lots of time lately worrying about what other people think. Why? Who knows. At the end of the day, the only person who has to live your life is you and ensuring that you make the decisions you need to for yourself, is what matters most.

photo (19)

*Everything will work out in the end.

Honestly, if it’s not OK then it’s not the end. No matter how tired you get or how challenging a situation, there will be a way out of it. The final result might not always be what you’d like however a time will come where you can look back and feel relieved that you got through it and learned something valuable.

What’s around the corner? Something exciting mixed with a few new challenges probably. The bright side is that there’s so much more to learn.
