Sometimes Write...

Join Me: #EightHealthyHabits To Add To Any Routine

I’m like a broken record. I know. One week I’m banging on about going on mad sessions to the gym, the next I’m working on swallowing down chocolates like a hungry seal. It can be tricky to maintain the balance...

I’m like a broken record. I know. One week I’m banging on about going on mad sessions to the gym, the next I’m working on swallowing down chocolates like a hungry seal. It can be tricky to maintain the balance at times.

Really though, I work daily on establishing (and maintaining) habits that make me feel healthy and happy. These relate to diet, exercise and the use of technology. As I’m someone who likes to always strive towards a goal, I work on incorporating changes that make life better.

This week, I started a #eighthealthyhabits on my social media. The idea is that each day, I share a little habit that I’ve incorporated.


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From shopping to saving, little ways of preparing food, replacing one item for another and simple forms of exercise – it’ll all be there.

Fancy joining me?

Visit my Facebook page here or follow me on Instagram (@junemvc).
