Sometimes Write...

Catching Up On Reading: What’s In My Inbox?

Recently I wrote a post entitled ‘Reading is believing‘. Basically, I highlighted the fact there are several books in my life that I’ve read which have made a huge impact on me both personally and professionally. After a hard slog,...

Recently I wrote a post entitled ‘Reading is believing‘. Basically, I highlighted the fact there are several books in my life that I’ve read which have made a huge impact on me both personally and professionally. After a hard slog, I managed to narrow them down to five in the end.

This week, I had the chance to clear out my Gmail inbox. I had over 200 mails I hadn’t even looked at (Gross, I know) and so, I decided this week was the time to do a clear out. I’m not typically a hoarder however there are mails I keep in there in the hope I’ll get to read them in the future when I catch a spare moment.

When I whittled down the now fifty emails, four main newsletter subscriptions made up the majority. This once again highlighted what I already knew – that less is indeed more and focusing on what you really enjoying is key.

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Positivity, habit-forming tips and the odd email from Revenue take up my email inbox. From my days of self-employment when I apparently had much more time to stumble around on the internet, some subscriptions have stayed alive while others have fallen away.

Wherever you’re from in the world, signing up to these gems is sure to make a difference to your lives and inboxes.

*James Clear – Habit Forming Tips

While floating around online one night, I came across James Clear. He’s a super talented writer which I love and he’s also extremely wise. ‘Why do we do what we do?’ and ‘how can we do it even better?’ are questions you’ll find yourself asking when reading his insightful realms. Moreover, his additional resources for those who have the time will open doors you didn’t even know were there.


*Marie Forleo

She’s fun, exciting and has a proven track record of making some pretty cool dreams come true. Once a fitness video-maker, she now writes about (and films) a variety of topics to support people at a personal and business level. Marie Forleo will dazzle you before you’ve even got a chance to open the email. Don’t have time to read? Her videos are all available on MarieTv!

*Ramit Sethi

LOL!That’s what I think when I read most of Ramit’s emails. He’s charismatic, funny and has a no bulls*t approach to life and even his readers. His main focus is to support people in getting their dream job which you’ll discover after a while is self-employment. He’s clever in a ‘don’t waste your time’ sort of way and will give a proverbial kick up the ass without you even realising it.

*James Hanley

I used to go a gym called ‘Revolution Fitness’ which is based in North Dublin. Actually it’s a few gyms in North Dublin as James has expanded his operation over the past few years. Although, I’m no longer a member of the gym, I love to receive the weekly newsletters. They encompass a variety of topics all leading back to habit-forming mostly surrounding fitness. There are anecdotes from James’ life which will make you smile and also relate.

My advice would be to keep it simple. Don’t subscribe to every newsletter under the sun and you won’t have the time. Too much information will mean its not being effective – less is more. If you do subscribe to my above recommendations, let me know how you get on and what you think in the comments below.
