Sometimes Write...

When The Solution Is Right Under Your Nose

I decided to cut my hedge today. It had become majorly overgrown and had gotten to the stage where it was forcing passersby off the pavement. I looked at it day after day thinking to myself that buying a hedge...

I decided to cut my hedge today. It had become majorly overgrown and had gotten to the stage where it was forcing passersby off the pavement. I looked at it day after day thinking to myself that buying a hedge trimmers needed to be top of my list while instead procrastination and moaning fell back and forth between my boyfriend and I. This had been going on for weeks until this morning when I decided to check in the big plastic boxes under the stairs – somewhere my gut had told me several times to check. There lay a beautiful hedge cutters and within ten minutes the hedge had been trimmed – a job that seemed like a mountain in my over-thinking head.

Everyday, we’re faced with problems that seem bigger than they are. Paying our bills, doing the dishes and at times, even doing a food shop can seem like massive ordeals. We get them done and we think “that was easy actually” and yet, do the same thing the next time. Procrastination, laziness and even fear are sadly the ingredients for disaster that can overtake our short lovely lives.

SO how do we stop it or at least learn to manage it?

In 2014, I wrote a post about the meaning of procrastination for the most part and the feeling of not actually wanting to do certain tasks. Oftentimes we don’t do something because well, we don’t want to do it. What about the times when we’re actually stuck and don’t do something for the want of a solution?


“Everything will be OK in the end. If it’s not OK, it’s not the end”.

Like the hedge-trimmers under the stairs, there’s usually a solution lurking somewhere.

When it comes to looking for the answers to what’s bothering you, take some time to consider the options below:

-What does your gut tell you?

Like I mentioned, the answers can often be found lurking inside of you. Currently, I’m studying a course related to psychology and coaching. One of the biggest points I’m learning about myself when it comes to the course is that I can figure things out for myself. Reliance on your own intuition and feedback on situations is an important skill for life that will take you through a variety of circumstances.

-Keep your friends close and your power even closer.

Seeking advice is fine but remember this – Advice is given based on the experience of the person who is giving it. Sure, they’ll mean well and their advice might very well be sound however consider whether it’s the right solution for you. You’re the one who’s going to need to deal with the outcome, nobody else.

-Be informed, not opinionated.

Know what you’re talking about? Have you done your research? Whatever you’re making a decision on, the answer could lie in the knowing. Read a book, watch a video or simply refresh your memory.

-Let it be.

Taking a step back from anything can allow for a whole new perspective. Take a deep breath, go for a walk and focus on something else for a while. Over-thinking anything is bound to drive you mad especially if the solution isn’t ready to reveal itself.

Know what works for yourself and most importantly – be kind to your lovely selves.
