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Four Inspiring Healthy And Wise Snap-chatters Worth Following

Snapchat and I have a mixed relationship. Some weeks I’m on it constantly with posts, story updates and the odd filter to keep things interesting. I sit with friends raving about how amazing it is and question why they’d possibly...


Snapchat and I have a mixed relationship. Some weeks I’m on it constantly with posts,  story updates and the odd filter to keep things interesting. I sit with friends raving about how amazing it is and question why they’d possibly not be on it.

However, when I slip into my work routine, you’ll definitely see less of the Snapchat version of me. I’m still there though – lurking and watching the regularly updated Snapchat stories, seeking out motivation and entertainment.

Like many of us, I jump on and off the super-healthy band wagon. I am mindful of my eating most days and go to the gym sometimes even just to make my membership feel worthwhile.

When in need of some inspiration, having a motivated maverick shouting ‘Go to the gym’ into their phone can definitely do the trick. Other times, the ones who resonate are the people who aren’t afraid to admit that life can be tricky and having a good Netflix and chill is a viable response to life’s trickiness. Whatever the definition of healthy, I’m all over its many variations on Snapchat for a listen and at times, a sneaky screenshot.

As you know, I’m a creature of habit and so, I’ve narrowed down to my four top Snapchatters of habit (and excellent choice).

Mom Fitness Diary, Ursula is the queen of motivation on Snapchat. She has personality, big smiles and the best advice when it comes to fitness and nutrition. As she is a vegetarian, her recipes are particularly intriguing to me – the most memorable (for me)being her chickpea stew. She lives a lovely normal life and isn’t afraid to be real which is just the ticket when the doubts and fears start to sneak in.

While sitting in the Dublin rain, Ursula brightened up my Snapchat with some latino sun. She is from Mexico and gave some insight into her Mexican vida when visiting her home making her a sort of ambassador for beautiful Mexican tourism in my eyes.

The Superfit Foodie, Aisling is sure to set the fires of fitness blazing. She’s studying nutrition and is super knowledgeable about food and fitness which shows whenever she’s speaking. A Galway lady, Aisling’s snippets of Salthill and the hot spots in the city and surrounding are a treat for anyone looking for inspiration.

Aisling’s perky yet realistic attitude to food is great to hear – that keeping a balance rather than simply avoiding treats is the key to healthy living.

If you tune in on the right day, you’ll also get to see her cutie-pie pooch eating an apple (yes, I saw it).

Rosemary McCabe (rosemarymAccabe) snaps daily about health and inspires on every level. I first noticed her at the first Mimind Ireland event this year. Rosemary talked at length about her mental health and the challenges she’s met, overcome and deals with day to day. That spurred me on to check out her online profile in general and in particular, her Snapchat profile. Rosemary gyms it up, eats healthily and mostly, is upfront about her thoughts and feelings day to day. She’s super real and doesn’t hide away from healthy living. She’s super consistent therefore there’s no fear of being offline too often.

Need more inspiration from Rosemary? Google her name and read some of the amazing articles she’s put together over the years.

Erin, Chasing Ruby Chat (chasingrubychat) happens to be one of the coolest chicks on the blogger scene and certainly inspires when it comes to Snapchat. Erin blogs about fashion, make-up and her day to day life. Her Snapchat encompasses all those areas and more. On a day where Erin isn’t feeling it, she’ll say. When things are a bit mad, she’ll open up about it. Aside from being super lovely, she’s super real which is as healthy as it gets.

My plan is to be more of a Snapchat frequenter over the coming months both as a poster and a watcher. My handle is @junemvc and I welcome followers, hellos and cute pictures of your pets. 
