Sometimes Write...

Taken By Surprise: Seagulls And Rainbows

e I read before that if you don’t focus on what you’ve got, life will come along and give you something else to focus on. This can come in many different forms and can be a good or bad thing...


I read before that if you don’t focus on what you’ve got, life will come along and give you something else to focus on. This can come in many different forms and can be a good or bad thing – depending on your own perceptions.

Take this evening for example, I was sitting on the bus travelling from Kerry to Dublin, moping about something that was bothering me when all of a sudden, I saw a HUGE rainbow forming in the sky. It reminded me that there’s always something to look forward to as it jerked my mind back into thinking about the great things in life (mainly rainbows, to be honest). Or the other day, I was eating a lovely Marks and Spencers ready-made sandwich and a seagull pecked it aggressively from my hands as I was strolling down Henry Street, turning me against seagulls forever… and sandwiches for that matter. In both moments, once the surprise had worn off, I pondered on the fact that actually, anything can pop up when you least expect it.

The learning? Keep doing your thing – you never know what’s around the corner.

The next few days, weeks, months or years could be panned out for yourself (as far as you know) and all of a sudden, life will throw a curveball that you don’t see coming. They say those that plan down to the greatest detail have a greater chance of success but what if those plans aren’t all they’re cracked up to be and you think they’re a delicious-looking sandwich on the outside but really seagull grub when it comes down to it?

Perhaps, it’s up to us to decide which it is, how it looks for us and how we react to it after?
