Sometimes Write...

Half Way Through And What Your Brain Is Telling You

‘I already told you this’, ‘we can’t do this’ and ‘I have no idea why we keep on trying’. These are some messages one’s brain might say as new neural pathways are being created and as we move forward with...

‘I already told you this’, ‘we can’t do this’ and ‘I have no idea why we keep on trying’. These are some messages one’s brain might say as new neural pathways are being created and as we move forward with them. As it happens, the habits that are being formed are uncomfortable and at times, pushing the boundaries of what has traditionally been coped with. They are showing us that we are so much more than we’ve previously been and opening us up to a new way of living life and in our personality.

So, why bother?

The version of ourselves in 2023 is not going to be the same as 2022 and certainly not the same as the versions in the years that have gone before. This is a good thing. Why on earth would you want to constantly stay the same and remain in a stagnant state?

The point of this post and today is not to lecture, to berate or to knock down the thought patterns that you are having. Actually, the point is to continue to remind you that it is totally normal to have these thoughts. As you move through this part of your life, how about this? You recognise that the older versions of yourself don’t exist anymore and are certainly failing to exist any longer (potentially in progress). Meanwhile, the person who you may wish to be is certainly in motion. How though?

We are built to constantly evolve. This means that we can move forward day in and day out as the beings that we’ve always been.

This doesn’t just refer to new year’s resolutions. It refers to any new habit we form, want to change or a routine we are building into our lives day in and day out.

As you consider yourself today and moving forward, look at the below factors to reflect on.

Some factors and the norm when it comes to changing habits and forms are the following:

  • Having a healthy routine that you can move with and that can guide you along your way in a healthy manner. This means doing less however with clearer focus.
  • Taking stock of what’s working versus not. What are you doing and how is this looking for you? Journal on it or talk it through with an accountability partner.
  • Fact check your thoughts. As you make change, the thoughts that you’re thinking may not be the best for you and so, challenging them is important to recognise their validity.
  • The key to your future self, guidance and what’s happening is self-awareness, focus and knowing yourself. As you change, there can be an opportunity to get to know yourself all over again and again.

Know when to reflect, take inspired action and choose your best step into your future self.
