Make up a routine, fill up a water bottle, recognise your abundance, do a Wim Hof retreat, eat your greens and get a load of epsom salts to throw into your baths once per week. Drink kefir, call a friend for a rant then feel a bit tired afterwards for having over-exerted yourself. While you’re at it, take a multi-vitamin and then recognise the amazing influences in your life. Learn about attachment theory, read an auto-biography about someone who’s been there, done that and at the same time, remember to forget those unfortunate moments that at some point tend to catch up on you. Engage with a life coach and for goodness sake, eat the dessert so that when you reach hopeful and pensive old age, you can say you gave it your all.

What is a healthy routine, anyway?
As you navigate yourself from week to week, what are the moments that help you feel good and what are the moments that have you moving a little downstream?
Welcome to a time where we’re out of lockdowns and life is starting to resemble the normality that we once experienced. We’ve recognised that there are old habits we’ve wanted to hold onto and so many that can stay back in 2020 where they belong. We can bring our gratitude that time has gone so quickly with the regret of the fact that a bunch of time has passed that we didn’t have so much control over. We can identify our future goals and aspirations only to be met with the ‘what next?!’ and the inevitable uncertainty that comes with it.
It’s an exciting time and also, a bit of a random time. Don’t worry if you’re feeling like you’re the only one. You’re not – I promise. Actually, feeling a plethora of emotions, mixture of ideas of what you’d like to embark on and some social challenges is totally normal right about now.
When it comes to feeling healthy and on track, keep in mind that there are a number of factors to consider that may be of support as you navigate your path.
Firstly, what does health look like for you? This could refer to diet, exercise, reading, studying and so much more. Knowing what healthy looks like and not what Instagram has told you is important as you build and understand your habits. Define this in each area of your life and don’t hold back.
When it comes to each area of your life, there will be habits and ideas that are so varied as regards your health. This can mean that you choose to prioritise one area over the other and as such, this can be such an ideal way to continue to lay those foundations and be specific. Know what is working as much as what you want to implement in the future. As Jay Shetty shares, it’s easier to add or replace things at first rather than deleting.
Listen to your body. Your body keeps score and will tell you when something is working (or not) and, what it needs. Pay attention to the signals it gives you rather than ploughing on down a path that doesn’t work. You are not a robot and indeed, your body is a compass for your health.
Do some research. Over the past two years, I’ve tried more and more holistic therapies such as reiki, dance, cacao ceremonies and so much that I wanted to understand for my health. These have allowed me to open up to new ways of thinking and being. Knowledge is power so build ways of understanding as much as possible. Whether you partake or not, is up to you.
Follow healthy accounts on social media. I know it can be a rabbit hole. If you fall down a rabbit hole, you at least want it to be a healthy environment. As such, be aware of who you’re following and why. There is SO much knowledge on the internet – follow the ones that resonate and soak in what they have to share with a healthy mindset. Hit me up for some decent follows @sometimeswrite
‘It is health that is real wealth, not gold and silver’ – Gandhi