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Letting Go & Finding Comfort As We Move Into Autumn

As the winter months are upon us, there are talks of pumpkins, falling leaves and even Christmas decorations as we say goodbye to lying on the beach and running around and enjoying the sunshine that frequented a bit more than...

a let go slogan spelled with letter dice on white background

As the winter months are upon us, there are talks of pumpkins, falling leaves and even Christmas decorations as we say goodbye to lying on the beach and running around and enjoying the sunshine that frequented a bit more than usual this Summer. We can feel that drop in temperature and as we see some brown leaves on the ground, we understand that there is a change upon us.

Hey, where did the Summer go?! It was pretty lovely and we could run around in shorts and see everyone in dry robes and travel around the place.

Welcome colder seasons. Let’s get ready.

There is a natural process to our bodies, lives and the seasons. As such, we have the chance to understand the process, how it works and how we can get the most from it in terms of our productivity and wellbeing.

a let go slogan spelled with letter dice on white background
Photo by Tara Winstead on

Temperature drops mean being more cosy. Therefore, learning about Hygge is a strong factor when it comes to preparing for the months ahead. Is your house going to be set up for your warmth and especially with fuel prices, can you ensure you are preparing your mind and body as best as possible?

This is a time of letting go. Letting go of the months gone by and moving into the final quarter of the year. We’ll have a new year upon us before we know it and so, September to November in particular are months that can be envisioned as a last push before a restful December and when the weather gets a bit more glum. Therefore, practicing rituals to let go of months gone by will help with so much.

Setting clear intentions when it comes to our lives is important all year round, particularly this time of year. What do you want to finish the year with? What are your aspirations financially, physically and with your relationships?

As seasons change, our bodies and minds need nourishment.

How does your body feel and what does it need? Start planning and thinking about nourishing foods, hobbies and ways of living. Examples include doing restorative yoga, pool swimming, infra-red saunas and eating healthy stews. It’s normal to want to be cosier, more comfortable and require increased nourishment to keep warm and healthy.

Just like animals, we need more comfort in our environments during colder seasons. Setting up our environments with the likes of soft bed linen, clearing clutter and having dim lighting in our rooms is valuable. Separating functions of our rooms is also advised for our minds. This can include work being separated from sleep. Removing tv sets from most rooms and having separators if that kind of space isn’t an option.

When it comes to emotions, this is a time for releasing. There are a number of ways to do this and it can depend on your own ways and needs. Suggestions are talking it through, reiki, a healthy journaling practice and sea swimming. Spending time focusing on what’s to come, goals in mind will allow you to acknowledge what needs to be let go. It could be upset, a connection or a limiting belief. Acknowledge what it is and allow yourself to move forward.
