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4 Ways To Squash Doubt And Move Forward

Doubt is inevitable. Imposter Syndrome is a norm in 2023 and it certainly is for people who are reaching outside of their comfort zones. As highlighted on several occasions, our brains are biased towards threat at a rate of 6:1....

scenic view of clouds during dawn

Doubt is inevitable.

Imposter Syndrome is a norm in 2023 and it certainly is for people who are reaching outside of their comfort zones. As highlighted on several occasions, our brains are biased towards threat at a rate of 6:1. This means that no matter what, our brain will head into a room and scan it for problems before positives. This gives us the impression that we are protecting ourselves and staying safe. In fact, we can even tell ourselves this narrative to appease some of our fears.

scenic view of clouds during dawn
Photo by Felix Mittermeier on

The reality is that while this way of thinking protects us from experiences, it actually holds us back. As Mary Morrissey would say ‘our doubts are traitors’. If we don’t take the time to acknowledge the threats that are coming up, we will give into them and allow them to drive us.

Some ways that we can address our doubts are the following:

  • Journal about them. As we write things down, we can see them outside of our heads and give them more clarity. This means that we are in the position to understand them then release them. Knowing the root cause means that we can understand where they originated.
  • Meditate. The objective of meditation is to be with our thoughts. It’s an opportunity to understand them and to allow them to move past like clouds. Contrary to some perceptions, meditation will not stop your thoughts. It serves as an opportunity to be still and become self-aware.
  • Talk them out with someone. Working with a therapist or coach is a helpful way to get to grips with our doubts. When we talk about them and they are challenged by someone else, it can bring them to light and give us clarity.
  • Take action. The best way to starve a doubt is by proving it wrong. By taking action, we prove to ourselves that we can work towards our goals and most importantly, we can trust ourselves.

In what ways do you challenge your doubts? Share them below.
