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5 Meditations That Take Less Than 15 Minutes

“The thing about meditation is: you become more and more you’ – David Lynch Meditation is a worthwhile practice I swear by. After dabbling for years, I eventually got to a place of doing meditation semi-consistently. The benefits have been...

Happy 2014 'National Pink Day' (Archive: NASA, Chandra, 04/30/12)

“The thing about meditation is: you become more and more you’ – David Lynch

Meditation is a worthwhile practice I swear by. After dabbling for years, I eventually got to a place of doing meditation semi-consistently. The benefits have been talked about for 1,000 of years and more recently, by mindfulness gurus, Podcasters and the likes of some of my favourites such as Gabby Bernstein and Joe Dispensa. It has been shown to have many benefits and many of which have been scientifically proven.

a woman sitting on a rock
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

One factor is that when meditation is a practice on a daily basis for a six week period, it has been shown to physically strengthen the pre-frontal cortex of the brain. This impacts the level of calm an individual feels and, their focus. In turn, this can help with impulse control and self-awareness in general.

Moreover, it is shown to be grounding. When meditating (in nature in particular), it can calm the nervous system as ions are released from trees and the ground. Walking barefoot in nature while meditating is additionally beneficial. This combination means that the body and mind are relaxed while breathing slows down.

Meditation can generate kindness. Metta, also known as ‘loving kindness’ meditation increases positive feelings towards self and others. Through practice, people learn to extend this kindness and forgiveness externally.

Your perception of pain is connected to your state of mind, and it can be elevated in stressful conditions.

5 examples of meditations that can be tried in less than ten minutes:

When it comes to meditation, start small and build it up. To learn more about my experience with meditation in the past, check out my learnings with Hilda. Or, share your own thoughts in the comments below (tips are welcome).
