Sometimes Write...

Why My Mondays Have Become Meatless

It’s Monday morning and, what were once days for planning chicken fajitas or steaks, have become ones of vegetarianism in my life. I know, it’s not like me to be awkward with my diet (yeah right), but I thought what a

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24 Hours High On Espresso

Christmas came and went and, as we look to a brand new year, the talk of new year’s resolutions is prevalent. Becoming less crap versions of ourselves is something for us all to consider, at least until we’re hungover in

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My Wonderful Gluten-Free Life

It’s been six weeks, two days, five hours and oh, about ten minutes since I last ate gluten anything. After agonising stomach aches, terrible mood swings and that awful bloated feeling for long periods of time, I knew something had

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