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Why Is Everyone Buying Me Candles? Your Late Twenties Versus Everything Else.

In case you’re wondering, yes your late twenties are different to the early and mid-ones. Instead of bottles of vodka, you get boxes of wine, your friends constantly tell you you’re next to get married (like there’s some sort...


In case you’re wondering, yes your late twenties are different to the early and mid-ones. Instead of bottles of vodka, you get boxes of wine, your friends constantly tell you you’re next to get married (like there’s some sort of queue system) and your house is filled with so many candles, you could start selling them. Yes, it’s lovely, you’re a lot more sober and the once impersonation perfumes sitting on your shelves, that made your neck a little itchy, have been replaced with the real deal Ralph Lauren and Marc Jacobs. This is not only because you’re earning more but because now, your standards are higher.

I regularly laugh with my best friends about how things have changed since we were just 25 to our now, much more mature 28. The phrase “Aw we were so young and foolish” resonates from our wise old mouths as we pretend we have more of a clue of what we want, who we are and what kind of wine we like to drink. In fact, we’re really just sure of what we don’t want and kind of sure of what we do. Yay for us though for making some big decisions and stuff. A couple more years and we’re going to have it mastered, right?

For those headed up the proverbial late-twenties garden path, be sure not to trip over all the cool (and not so cool) life experiences. Try these snippets of sort of advice/warnings on for size and be sure to let me know how it goes when you realise you’ve got to have your own totally different experiences anyway.

1) Remember that you will change without even realising it

Perhaps you’ll have a travel adventure, a job that didn’t work out or a friendship that didn’t turn out to be as friendly as you thought. Whatever it is, you’re going to learn something, get hurt by something and definitely feel different as a result. It’s all about adapting and remembering, that’s OK too.

2) Time goes even faster 

This morning I sat and told my boyfriend some of my most wonderful grandfather memories from when I was seven years old. I felt like it was just yesterday he was reading my sister and I, Alice in Wonderland. Time has gone quickly since then and it seems to be going quicker as I get older. Make the most of it.

3) Reconsider your circle

More and more I hear friends talk about how they deserve the best, want to be surrounded by positivity ALL the time and never forget how awesome they are. I feel the exact same. Self-esteem is higher and as a result people getting fired from your life gets more possible. Be careful where you step and what you say as your negativity is not wanted in late-twenty territory.

4) Question time

If you’re as pensive as I am then you consider about twenty different lives you could be living before breakfast. Fear of missing out, making the “wrong decisions” and having regrets are regular thoughts. Remember this though – there are no wrong decisions only ones that take you in different directions. The times you spend regretting are the times you could be doing something worthwhile.

What lies beyond thirty? Probably a lower metabolism and a wiser head on my shoulders. Is that scary? Scary as hell but bring it on. Oh and don’t forget the candles.

Read more about my book and a journey of health and wellness.
