Sometimes Write...

Lots Of Lipstick And More Cake Tins: 4 Things I’ve Started Doing More Of Lately

Enjoy the afternoon, you can’t take it with you. These are the words uttered constantly to remind us to make the most of it, have a laugh and to remember that we’re not here forever so well, we may as...

Enjoy the afternoon, you can’t take it with you. These are the words uttered constantly to remind us to make the most of it, have a laugh and to remember that we’re not here forever so well, we may as well chill the flip out.

I know, I know it’s easy to say that. What happens when you have bucket lists the length of your sofa and enough dreams to last a lifetime? Should you choose to pursue them? Do you live in the moment or strive for the next big thing in your life?

This month I made some subtle and simple differences to the everyday parts of my life and took a step back from the “big things”.

Why, you say? Because I want to prove to myself that I don’t need to be trekking up a famous landmark or hopping on a plane to have an extra-lovely life.

Sometimes, it’s the little everyday pleasures that can feel like a big adventure.

I added more creativity EVERYWHERE.

Being creative can happen in so many ways. Wearing bright lipstick, painting, decorating nice nails and making abstract art sculptures out of toilet paper or old bottles (or whatever) can even do it.

Trying SOMETHING is a start and can lead to even cooler ideas.

I baked more. Ah, would you like some cake with your cake?

When I was done “mastering” my art skills, I went to the baker’s section in Tesco to get kitted out on flour, tins and those pretty decorations that don’t look very edible.

Baking is very therapeutic, you get to lick the bowl and you have some nice homemade gifts for your neighbors and dear friends.

I said yes more.

I’m not saying I said yes to every invitation I got (otherwise I would be on a random vacation feeding monkeys or penguins right about now :)). I did say yes to some simple requests and let my hair down a bit.

Mid-July, my boyfriend was offered tickets to an outdoor gig in the rain on a school night far far away from my house. Normally, I’d be put off by the rain etc. This time, we went. I didn’t regret it.

I took more action in general.

Instead of thinking “aw maybe I’ll do that after the Summer” “tomorrow lunchtime” “when I have time…”, I made time and plenty of it. Remember, we all have as much time in the day as Beyonce and Obama and the many achievers across the world. It’s up to us what we do with it.

Trying new things and doing more of what makes me happy are my main focuses right now. Yay for me as they’re going very well. What will next month have in store? Who knows.
