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Come Join Me As I Move Back Into Routine

As we navigate through change, one of the first things to go, can be our routine. In actual fact, during this time, we need to use this space to create some certainty for ourselves. This is where a routine and...

crop woman snoozing alarm on smartphone

As we navigate through change, one of the first things to go, can be our routine. In actual fact, during this time, we need to use this space to create some certainty for ourselves. This is where a routine and controlling a routine come into play.

In July of this year, I had a check in with myself. During that time, I had fallen off the wagon with exercise, yoga, meditation and my business. While there had been a lot of good things happening in my life, there had been a huge amount of change that I had started to react to in a negative way. The outcome of this was to fall off track with routine and some goals.

When I consider the upward development since that point, there have been some learnings that I am still applying in my day to day. These can be applied to all life areas and so, I invite you to join on the learnings and also, to understand the science behind them.

  • Certainty versus uncertainty. We live for certainty. A big part of control is to create certainty on an ongoing basis. This is where anxiety and sometimes, control of others and external circumstances can come into play. The reality is that the only things we have control over are our actions and beliefs. Therefore, creating our own certainty can make change in life much more smooth. This can be calming and create a sense of accomplishment for our minds.
  • Creating a focus on goals means that we take action on a day to day basis. This involves breaking goals down into sizeable chunks. Saving money by not buying coffees each day, doing a short amount of exercise or making an effort to connect with our partner are all cumulative efforts that compound over time.
  • Measuring success by metrics. When it comes to a goal or change, the more we can measure, the more likely we are to continue to follow through as we see results. For example, if we commit to increasing our amount of exercise, deciding on the type, number of classes and, on what days makes us increase that possibility.
  • Knowing our body and when it is being challenged supports our routines. When it comes to our bodies, they are always communicating with us. This means that our body is reacting and responding when we make a decision, take an action and, have a thought. Working with our body via a meditation practice or understanding the works by Joe Dispensa can greatly support development of the mind and how we feel in our bodies.
  • Accountability. When it comes to actions and behaviours in our lives, accountability is key. This can refer to ourselves but actually, when we have an accountability partner or a coach to work with, this means that we increase our chances of success. Similarly, writing a goal down is 6 times more likely to occur as a result and so, the art of journaling will support greatly here.

Watch this space as I continue to work my routine in 2023. Visit Instagram here.

Learn more about goal setting via ‘What we never learned in school’.
