Sometimes Write...

Every Word You Speak: The Impact Of What You Say On Those Around You

Feeling rather out of sorts, I grabbed another cup of coffee in the hope it would help lift my mood and the aromatic coffee grounds would help me find energy to move myself out of this funk I was in....

Feeling rather out of sorts, I grabbed another cup of coffee in the hope it would help lift my mood and the aromatic coffee grounds would help me find energy to move myself out of this funk I was in. As it happened, a sentence shared with me that morning had sent me on a spiral and had meant that I was over-thinking a conversation I’d had.

You see, every word we speak holds meaning. Our intention can be one factor however the outcome and impact of those words on others can be entirely different and significant when it comes to their mood and how they take what we’ve said.

The words we speak are powerful. They are a responsibility and therefore, being mindful of what and how we speak needs to be at the forefront of our human interactions and relationships. As Young Pueblo recently shared in his book ‘not every thought needs to be spoken and our words carry meaning’. This point therefore supports my long standing theory that mindfulness in what we say is significant and has a profound impact on our own well-being.

Factors to consider when it comes to how and what we speak about:

– Mind your thoughts for they impact your words. Whether we realise it or not, what we think impacts what we say. Underlying beliefs about ourselves and the world around us is conditioning , that controls our behaviour.

– Our nervous system is wired in particular ways. When it comes to how we act and what we say, a lot of this comes from what’s in our bodies. This especially applies to our reactions.

– Reflecting and understanding why we do what we do and say what we say are important. Journalling is an excellent practice that leads to increased self-awareness.

– Paying attention to those we surround ourselves with is vital. Our thoughts, language and behaviours becomes like theirs whether we want it to or not. Pay attention to what is being said and how this is impacting your energy levels.

Being conscious of effective or non-effective communication is an important factor when it comes to the quality of our lives. Pay attention.
