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crop woman snoozing alarm on smartphone

Come Join Me As I Move Back Into Routine

As we navigate through change, one of the first things to go, can be our routine. In actual fact, during this time, we need to use this space to create some certainty for ourselves. This is where a routine and

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Happy 2014 'National Pink Day' (Archive: NASA, Chandra, 04/30/12)

5 Meditations That Take Less Than 15 Minutes

“The thing about meditation is: you become more and more you’ – David Lynch Meditation is a worthwhile practice I swear by. After dabbling for years, I eventually got to a place of doing meditation semi-consistently. The benefits have been

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blue and white sky with stars

How To Move Out Of A Rut In 2023

Pausing social media, limiting gym time and staying indoors more, it’s safe to say that the pause of momentum can get yours truly into rather a rut. After things going at 100 miles per hour for a while, it made

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scenic view of clouds during dawn

4 Ways To Squash Doubt And Move Forward

Doubt is inevitable. Imposter Syndrome is a norm in 2023 and it certainly is for people who are reaching outside of their comfort zones. As highlighted on several occasions, our brains are biased towards threat at a rate of 6:1.

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